group of neon tetras
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How Many Neon Tetras Can You Put in a 10 Gallon Tank?

Are you wondering just how many neon tetras your 10-gallon tank can support? It’s a common dilemma for aquarium enthusiasts like you who want to create the perfect underwater community, trying to find that balance between a beautifully stocked tank and the well-being of its inhabitants. One key fact to keep in mind is that…

yellowing plants in fish tank

Why Your Aquarium Plants Are Turning Yellow: Causes and Fixes

Is your aquarium looking less lush than before? One key fact to remember is that yellowing leaves are a sign of trouble for aquatic plants. In this article, we’ll dive into the common causes and share effective solutions to restore the vibrant green health of your underwater garden. Keep reading, and let’s turn things around!…

ceramic rings for fish tank

What Are Ceramic Rings For Fish Tanks?

Are you puzzled about the role of ceramic rings in your aquarium? These little unglazed pieces of fired ceramics are more than meets the eye, providing a crucial function in maintaining water cleanliness. In this article, we’ll explain how these affordable and effective bio media filters work to foster beneficial bacteria, ensuring your tank remains…