young girl laying on rug hugging her rabbit

How to Bond With Your Rabbit

Bringing a rabbit into your home is like adding a bundle of energy and curiosity to your life. But if you’re staring at your new furry friend and wondering why they seem more interested in their corner than cuddles, you’re not alone. Building a bond with a bunny is different than with cats or dogsā€”it…

woman hugging her rabbit

Why is My Rabbit Shaking?

If you’ve ever noticed your furry friend shaking, tremors running through its tiny body, you might wonder what’s up with your bunny. Shaking can be quite common in rabbits, but sometimes it signals something more serious. Just like people, it’s normal for rabbits to experience a whole range of emotions and physical reactions that could…

two baby white rabbits

Can You Tame Wild Rabbits?

Imagine that you find a wild rabbit in your backyard! Its twitching nose and soft fur might tempt you to dream of having such an adorable creature as your new pet companion. Many people find themselves wondering if it’s possible to turn a wild bunny into a friendly housemate, just like the domestic rabbits they…