Why Does My Cat Sound Congested When Purring?

Why Does My Cat Sound Congested When Purring?

Have you ever heard your cat purr and thought it sounded a bit stuffy? That’s because sometimes cats can get congested just like people do. Just like humans, they might catch infections, face allergies, or have little growths called polyps that make their breathing sounds funny. Sometimes they even get tiny things stuck in their…

Why is My Cat Gulping While Purring?
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Why is My Cat Gulping While Purring?

Cats may sometimes gulp while purring due to a variety of reasons ranging from harmless habits to potential health concerns. Common causes include swallowing excess saliva, ingesting too much air during intense purring, acid reflux, streptococcal infections, thyroid issues, and even heart or lung diseases. If a cat’s gulping is frequent or accompanied by other…