dog sitting on couch

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

To effectively remove dog gland smell from furniture, consider using home remedies like a vinegar solution, baking soda, or hydrogen peroxide. For tougher odors, enzymatic cleaners or steam cleaning can be more effective. Regular furniture cleaning, combined with a quality diet for your dog, can help prevent these odors. If the smell persists, don’t hesitate to seek professional cleaning services or consult with a veterinarian to address potential gland issues in your pet.

Every pet owner knows that unique dog smell that seems to linger, especially on furniture. But there’s one unpleasant smell that stands out and can be quite strong: the smell of dog glands. This gland odor, often described as a fishy smell, comes from your dog’s anal sacs.

It’s natural for dogs to mark their territory, but not exactly the scent you want on your living room couch. This article will guide you through effective methods to eliminate the smell from your furniture. Let’s dive in and help your furniture smell fresh once again.

Proven Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dog Gland Smell

Every dog owner has been there: you sit down on your favorite chair, and instead of a fresh scent, you’re met with that distinct anal gland odor. The good news? There are home remedies available to tackle this issue.

Here’s a deeper dive into some popular solutions for removing that anal gland smell from your furniture:

Vinegar Solution

What you need: Equal parts of water and either white vinegar or apple cider vinegar. Both types of vinegar can be effective.

Why it works: Vinegar is a natural deodorizer and can neutralize many unwanted scents.

  • Dampen a cloth with the solution and gently rub the affected area.
  • Rinse the area with clean water.
  • Allow it to dry naturally.

It’s not just about getting rid of the smell; vinegar can also leave your furniture smelling fresh and clean.

Baking Soda Magic

What you need: A generous amount of baking soda.

Why it works: Baking soda is known for its odor-absorbing properties. It acts like a sponge for smells, drawing them in and holding them.

  • Sprinkle the baking soda over the smelly spot.
  • Let it sit for several hours, doing its magic.
  • Once it’s done its job, vacuum it off.

Many pet owners swear by this method, especially for more persistent odors.

Hydrogen Peroxide

What you need: Mix 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide with 1/2 cup of water.

Why it works: Hydrogen peroxide is a disinfectant and can break down some of the compounds causing the dog gland odor.

Soak a cloth in the mixture and blot the offending area on your furniture.

Be cautious, though. Hydrogen peroxide can bleach some fabrics, so always test on a hidden area first.

Additionally, after using any of these methods, consider leaving a window open or using fans to circulate the air. Fresh air can work wonders in helping eliminate any lingering scents.

Remember to Test First

Don’t just dive in with a cleaner. It’s crucial to try it on a small, unseen area of your furniture first. This simple step can save you from potential stains or damage that might be harder to fix than the dog smell itself.

Effective Measures and Regular Maintenance to Prevent Dog Gland Smell

The old saying, “Prevention is better than cure,” rings true, especially when dealing with dog gland smell on your furniture. Taking steps to prevent the problem can save you a lot of time and effort in the long run.

Let’s explore some strategies to keep that dog gland smell at bay:

Regular Cleaning

Regularly cleaning your furniture can prevent dog gland odors from settling in deeply. Make it a habit to vacuum your upholstered furniture and carpets once a week. Also, wiping down furniture with a damp cloth can reduce the buildup of gland secretions over time.

Bathe Your Dog

Sometimes, the best way to prevent the smell on your furniture is to address the source. Regularly bathe your dog, especially if they’ve been expressing their glands more often. This can significantly reduce the transfer of gland odor to your furniture.

Diet and Health

Feeding your dog high-quality food can reduce issues with their anal glands. Often, the quality of their diet impacts the consistency of their gland secretions.

Ensure you have regular vet check-ups to identify if your dog has any anal gland problems. Addressing the issue at the root can prevent furniture odors.

Restricted Furniture Access

Limiting where your dog can go can significantly reduce the risk of gland odors on your favorite couch or bed. Consider getting a comfortable dog bed for your pet. Over time, with training, your dog may prefer its bed over the furniture.

Gland Expressions

Some dogs may express their anal glands when they are scared or excited. Recognizing and addressing this behavior can go a long way in preventing unexpected smells.

If you notice your dog frequently dragging its rear or licking near the anus, it might be time for a vet visit. They can check for gland impaction or infection and can express your dog’s anal glands if needed.

Remember, while accidents and unexpected smells are a part of pet ownership, regular maintenance and preventive measures can make your life a lot easier.

dog laying on couch

Professional Assistance to Remove Dog Anal Gland Smell

When all else fails, or if you’re looking for a guaranteed solution, turning to the pros can be your best bet. They have both the expertise and the tools needed to ensure your furniture is free from stubborn dog gland odors.

Professional Upholstery Cleaning

These experts use specialized equipment and solutions that can deeply penetrate furniture fabrics, ensuring a thorough cleaning. Not only can they get rid of the dog gland smell from furniture, but they can also tackle other stains and odors, leaving your furniture looking and feeling refreshed.

Veterinary Care

If your dog is frequently leaving a gland odor behind, it could be indicative of a health issue. Regular vet check-ups can help pinpoint any gland issues your dog may be experiencing. They can provide treatments or recommend changes in care that can reduce or eliminate the frequency of gland expressions.

Dog Grooming Services

Some groomers offer anal gland expression as a part of their services. This can help reduce the risk of your dog leaving behind unwanted smells. Especially if your dog is showing signs of discomfort or if you’ve noticed an increase in the smell, a visit to the groomer can be beneficial.

Investing in professional services might seem like a significant step, but it can offer peace of mind. Knowing that both your furniture and your pet are receiving the best care can be worth every penny.

Final Thoughts and Key Takeaways

Dealing with the unique and sometimes stubborn smell of dog glands on furniture can be a challenge. But with the right knowledge, tools, and strategies in hand, pet owners can overcome this issue and enjoy a fresh-smelling home. Let’s wrap up with some key points:

  • Understand the Cause: Recognizing that the odor comes from a dog’s anal glands, which can sometimes express unexpectedly, helps in addressing the root of the problem.
  • Home Solutions Work: Methods like using vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide are not just cost-effective but can be surprisingly efficient in tackling dog gland odors.
  • Specialty Cleaners are Handy: For more stubborn smells or for a deep-clean effect, enzymatic cleaners and steam cleaning machines are worth the investment.
  • Prevention is Gold: Regularly cleaning your furniture, checking your dog’s diet, and limiting their access to certain furniture pieces can significantly reduce the chances of the smell becoming a recurring issue.
  • Don’t Hesitate to Seek Professional Help: Whether it’s a vet for your pet’s health or a professional cleaner for your furniture, expert intervention can offer both solutions and peace of mind.

Dog ownership comes with its set of challenges, but the joys and companionship our furry friends bring are unparalleled. With the right care, guidance, and a bit of patience, pet owners can ensure a happy, healthy, and fresh-smelling environment for everyone in the household.

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Written by Tom Cashman

I have grown up with pets for almost fifty years. My family has strong ties to the animal shelter community in Chicago. Currently I have two cats: an orange tabby named Zelda, and a gray mixed named Zander. Like all of my pets, they were adopted from a local animal shelter. Pet Zone represents my passion for sharing with the pet community.

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How to Get Rid of Dog Gland Smell on Furniture

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  1. I love this! Great tips that I will keep in mind for the couch my dog loves to sleep on.