dog licking womans nose

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

Have you ever wondered why your dog loves to lick up your nose? One moment you’re enjoying a snuggle, the next thing you know, your furry friend is treating your face like a lollipop.

This nose-licking behavior is not just reserved for you, many dogs like to lick people’s noses, including visitors! Understanding why dogs engage in this behavior and what it means can help you build a stronger bond with your canine companion.

Read on to decode the reasons why your dog might like to lick your nose and how to manage this behavior if it becomes too much.

It’s How Dogs Show Affection

When your dog is licking your nose, it’s often more than just sensory exploration; it’s also a sign of affection. Licking is an instinctive behavior that dogs pick up from their mother dog while they’re still puppies. The mother will lick her pups to groom them, and in response, the puppies also lick their mother’s noses as a way of showing love and requesting attention. This behavior then extends to their human owners.

As an adult, when your dog licks your nose or face, they are showing trust and affection. It’s their way of bonding with you and showing that they care. But there’s more to it than just love – a dog may lick your nose as a submissive gesture, acknowledging that you are their leader.

The Fascination with the Nose

There’s a reason that dogs are drawn to the human nose. They’re all about the senses, and their way of exploring the world is very different from ours. A dog’s nose is his primary organ for deciphering his surroundings. When a dog tries to lick up your nose, it’s his unique method of gathering information.

Scent plays a crucial role in how dogs communicate. When they sniff and lick your nose, they’re taking in your distinct scent, which can tell them a lot about your emotional state, health, and much more. It’s an intimate and instinctive behavior that dogs use to learn more about you, their beloved human.

The Language of Licking

Understanding the language of licking can help dog owners interpret their pets’ actions better. Nose-licking, like many dog behaviors, can carry different meanings depending on the context.

As we have established, licking is often a sign of affection or a submissive gesture. Dogs lick their owners’ noses to show love, bond, and express that they acknowledge you as their leader. However, licking and smelling can also signal curiosity or the desire to gather information. For instance, your dog may try to lick up inside your nose to understand your mood or health better.

On the other hand, excessive licking might indicate stress, anxiety, or health issues. Understanding the nuances of this behavior can help dog owners respond appropriately and ensure their pets are happy and healthy.

How to Stop Your Dog From Licking Your Nose

Training your dog to understand boundaries around licking can foster a healthier, more respectful relationship between the two of you. One dog may be perfectly comfortable with nose-licking, while another may find it intrusive. Understanding your comfort levels and ensuring your dog respects them is crucial.

If you want to train your dog to stop licking your nose on command, it’s important to establish clear, consistent guidelines. You can gently but firmly say “no” when they try to lick your face, and immediately redirect their attention to something else.

It’s also important to show your dog alternative ways they can express affection. If your dog loves to lick your nose, you can redirect this behavior to a toy or a treat, teaching them that there are other ways to show love and bond with you.

In some cases, if your dog is persistently trying to lick up your nose, it might also be a sign of a health issue. If you’re concerned about the amount of licking, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying problems.

dog licking owners nose

Redirecting Licking Behavior

While a dog licking your nose can be sweet, too much of it might be bothersome. Recognizing when your pup’s licking becomes excessive is essential. Dogs often lick out of boredom, and if you notice your dog licking more than usual, it may be a sign that they need more mental stimulation or physical activity.

Offering alternative outlets for your dog’s desire to lick can prove helpful in managing their nose-licking instincts. For instance, chew toys can provide a distraction for a lick-happy dog and can be a great outlet for their pent-up energy.

Ensuring your dog has plenty of physical activity and mental stimulation can go a long way in curbing excessive licking. Regular walks, interactive toys, and playtime can keep your dog busy, reducing the need to express their boredom or stress through nose-licking.

Try not to scold your dog for their licking behavior, as it’s a natural instinct. Instead, aim to gently guide them towards more acceptable ways to engage their instinct, promoting a more harmonious coexistence.

Health and Hygiene Considerations

While a dog trying to lick your nose can be endearing, it’s essential to consider the health and hygiene implications of this behavior. Dog saliva contains various bacteria that, while typically harmless to the dog, could potentially cause health issues for humans, especially if it enters the nose or mouth.

Ensure your dog is up-to-date with their vaccinations and has regular health checks. This not only keeps your dog healthy but also reduces the risk of transmitting any diseases. It’s also important to keep their oral hygiene in check, as a dog with a clean mouth is less likely to pass on harmful bacteria.

On the human side, if your dog loves to lick your nose, it’s advisable to keep your face clean and avoid letting them lick your nose if you have any cuts or open sores to prevent infections.


Understanding why dogs lick their owners’ noses can offer us great insight into their behaviors and help us build healthier relationships with our furry friends. Dogs show affection in unique ways, and nose-licking is a common display of love, curiosity, and submission. However, managing this behavior and setting boundaries is crucial for both your comfort and the dog’s wellbeing.

While it’s essential to appreciate these acts of affection, it’s equally important to establish boundaries and redirect their behavior when necessary. Remember that every dog is unique, so what works for one dog may not work for another. Understanding your dog’s needs and behaviors can lead to a harmonious cohabitation.

By learning to decode this special language of licking, we can become better dog owners, capable of meeting our canine companions’ needs while also taking care of our own comfort and hygiene. In the end, a balanced bond with your pet allows both of you to enjoy the relationship fully. Dogs and humans have a unique bond, and understanding these intricate behaviors only strengthens that bond.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I let my dog lick my nose?

Whether or not you let your dog lick your nose is entirely a personal preference. Some people find it endearing, while others might find it uncomfortable or unsanitary. However, it’s crucial to remember that dogs can carry bacteria in their saliva that could potentially cause health issues, especially if it enters the nose or mouth. Therefore, regular vaccinations and maintaining your dog’s oral hygiene are important.

What does it mean when a dog licks your eyes and nose?

Dogs use licking as a means of gathering information, showing affection, or even displaying submission. When your dog licks your eyes or nose, they are likely exploring your scent or expressing their affection towards you. However, it’s crucial to avoid letting your dog lick your eyes for health and hygiene reasons.

Why does my dog lick my mouth so much?

Dogs often lick faces as a sign of affection or submission, harking back to their puppyhood when they would lick their mother’s nose for attention and care. If your dog is licking your mouth excessively, it could also be because they are attracted to the remnants of food or the unique scent of your mouth.

Why does my dog lick my face when I sneeze?

When you sneeze, your dog might lick your face out of concern or curiosity. Dogs have an excellent sense of hearing and smell, so a sneeze might intrigue them or make them anxious, leading them to lick you as a way of checking if you’re alright. As always, remember to set boundaries if this behavior becomes bothersome or uncomfortable for you.

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Written by Tom Cashman

I have grown up with pets for almost fifty years. My family has strong ties to the animal shelter community in Chicago. Currently I have two cats: an orange tabby named Zelda, and a gray mixed named Zander. Like all of my pets, they were adopted from a local animal shelter. Pet Zone represents my passion for sharing with the pet community.

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Why Does My Dog Lick My Nose?

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