Cockatiel on a branch

Are you worried because your cockatiel is sleeping more than usual? Cockatiels naturally sleep for about 10 to 12 hours a day and this habit is crucial for their well-being. This blog post will give you a comprehensive understanding of the cockatiel’s sleep cycle, offer possible reasons for excessive sleeping, and provide helpful tips on creating an ideal sleep environment for your pet bird.

Take flight with us as we delve into the fascinating world of cockatiel sleep!

Key Takeaways

  • Cockatiels need about 10 to 12 hours of sleep per day, which is important for their well-being.
  • Cockatiels may take naps during the day, but long daytime sleeps could indicate insufficient sleep at night.
  • Excessive sleeping in cockatiels can be caused by illness, nutritional deficiencies, stress or anxiety, molting, or environmental factors.
  • Providing a quiet locationcovering the cage with a breathable cloth at nightmaintaining comfortable temperatures and secure perches can help create an ideal sleep environment for your cockatiel.

Understanding the Cockatiel Sleep Cycle

Cockatiels are night sleepers, and their sleep time starts when the sun sets. They like to get about 10-12 hours of undisturbed night sleep. So, it’s important for your pet bird to have a quiet place to rest at this time.

Cockatiels do not need a lamp or any light on during the night. They take in energy from their sleep cycle.

The amount of sleep that cockatiels need changes with age and health status. Baby cockatiels can even rest up to 18 hours each day! This is because they grow very fast and need lots of rest for that growth.

As they get older, you may see your cockatiel napping more often than it used to as well.

A cockatiel peacefully perched in a forest, captured in high-quality photography.

Is It Normal For Cockatiels To Sleep During The Day?

Cockatiels do take naps during the day. This is part of their sleep cycle. Just like us, cockatiels can get tired after playing or flying around a lot. So yes, it’s normal for them to rest and take short sleeps when they need to.

Don’t worry if your pet bird closes its eyes for a bit in the daylight hours. But make sure these naps are not too long. Long daytime sleeps may mean your cockatiel is not getting enough sleep at night.

Good nights’ rest matters for birds too! In fact, cockatiels should sleep 10-12 hours every night without waking up. If this doesn’t happen, your bird might be sleepy in the day more often than usual.

Let’s help our feathered friends have good sleep habits!

Do cockatiels take naps?

Yes, cockatiels do take naps. They often rest in the afternoon when the days are longer. You might see your pet bird closing its eyes for 15 to 30 minutes at a time, two or three times a day.

This allows them to relax and regain energy during active hours.

Baby birds sleep more than adult cockatiels. It is part of their growth and development process. So don’t worry if you notice your young cockatiel sleeping often during the day! This is normal behavior for these lively parrots.

Your vet can give you tips on understanding your pet’s sleep habits better.

A peaceful cockatiel sleeping on a tree branch in a natural setting.

Reasons for Excessive Sleep in Cockatiels

Cockatiels may sleep more than usual for different reasons. Here are some possible reasons for excessive sleep in cockatiels:

  • Illness: If your cockatiel is sick, it may need extra rest to recover.
  • Nutritional deficiencies: Lack of certain nutrients in their diet can make cockatiels feel tired and sleepy.
  • Stress or anxiety: Cockatiels may sleep more when they are feeling stressed or anxious.
  • Molt: During a molt, when they shed old feathers and grow new ones, cockatiels may need more sleep.
  • Environmental factors: Noise, changes in routine or surroundings, and even temperature fluctuations can affect their sleep patterns.

Cockatiel Sleeping Positions

Cockatiels sleep in different positions to feel safe and comfortable. Here are some common sleeping positions for cockatiels:

  • Perched on one leg with their head upright
  • Resting with their heads down
  • Sleeping on the side of their bodies
  • Tucking their heads under their wings

Creating a Conducive Sleep Environment for Your Cockatiel

To help your cockatiel sleep better, you can:

  1. Find a quiet location for your cockatiel’s cage, away from loud noises.
  2. Cover the cage with a light, breathable cloth at night to create a dark and cozy sleeping environment.
  3. Make sure the temperature in the room is comfortable for your cockatiel – not too hot or too cold.
  4. Provide a comfortable and secure perch for your cockatiel to sleep on.
  5. Keep the cage away from drafts or direct sunlight, which can disturb your cockatiel’s sleep.
  6. Avoid sudden changes in lighting or noise levels near the cage during your cockatiel’s sleep time.
  7. Establish a consistent sleep schedule by putting your cockatiel to bed and waking them up at the same times every day.


In conclusion, it is normal for cockatiels to sleep for 10 to 12 hours a day. However, excessive sleep might be a sign of illness or nutritional deficiencies. If you notice your cockatiel sleeping more than usual or showing other signs of being unwell, it’s important to consult an avian veterinarian.

Creating a comfortable sleep environment and ensuring a balanced diet can help promote healthy sleep habits for your feathered friend.


1. Why is my cockatiel sleeping so much?

Your cockatiel may sleep a lot if it needs more rest. It could also mean your bird isn’t feeling well.

2. How many hours does a cockatiel need to sleep every day?

A healthy pet cockatiel should get at least 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

3. What are signs that my cockatiel has been sleeping too much?

Signs can be your bird trying to sleep with the head tucked in during the day or spending plenty of time at the bottom of its cage.

4. Can older cockatiels show different sleep patterns?

Yes, similar to humans, older birds often like sleeping for several hours during the day and might require more naps throughout their daily schedule.

5. Are there ways I can train my cockatiel for proper sleep routines?

Training involves setting up a natural routine where your bird will go to perch and sleep when the sun sets for about 12-14 hours per night ideally.

6. Does where my bird sleeps in its cage matter?

Yes, birds typically prefer sleeping near walls or corners because they feel safe there; you might notice them choosing these spots over others inside their cages.

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Written by Tom Cashman

I have grown up with pets for almost fifty years. My family has strong ties to the animal shelter community in Chicago. Currently I have two cats: an orange tabby named Zelda, and a gray mixed named Zander. Like all of my pets, they were adopted from a local animal shelter. Pet Zone represents my passion for sharing with the pet community.

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Why is My Cockatiel Sleeping So Much?

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One Comment

  1. The Cockatiel bird is such a beautiful creature with their variety of colors. I enjoyed reading the interesting facts about them.